Monday, December 2, 2013

Special Flu Shot Report!

"Here come the fear mongers...just in time for the flu vaccine marketing season…. Fear is used to persuade Americans to roll up their sleeves and hand over their children to be vaccinated. Years ago, people developed resistance the old fashioned way: By getting the flu. And then when that type of flu came around again years or decades later, they either didn't get sick or had only a mild case. The vaccine marketeers want to take that away from our population. What will that make us? Vaccine dependent, of course." – Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center 

Three important reasons to avoid the flu shot:
1.   The flu shot contains formaldehyde, gelatin and traces of chicken cells. 
2.   The flu shot contains viral contaminants that have been linked to cancer.
3.   You can get the flu shot – and all the risks that go with it – and still get the flu!
From the OsteoMed newsletter. To subscribe, go to
Another good reason to avoid the shot:  to avoid Alzheimer’s Disease
According to Hugh Fudenberg, MD, the world's leading immunogeneticist and 13th most quoted biologist of our time (over 850 papers in peer reviewed journals), if an individual has five consecutive flu shots their chance of getting Alzheimer's is ten times higher! (1)
How does the flu shot cause Alzheimer’s? Dr. Fudenberg states the mercury and aluminum in flu shots (and many childhood shots as well as some RhoGam shots) cross the blood-brain barrier causing brain damage. Alzheimer's is expected to quadruple. Are flu shots the reason? (2) 

Flu hysteria is on the way (again)

Reports claim that “Influenza kills 30,000 to 40,000 Americans every year.” (3) That is simply not the case. According to the Centers for Disease Control, the number of people who die of the flu are a fraction of that. Here is what the CDC says: 

In 2002: 753 died of the flu (4)
In 2001: 267 died of the flu (5)
In 2000: 2,175 died of the flu (6)
In 1999: 1,685 died of the flu (7)
Those who die of the flu are mostly frail, sickly, weak, malnourished and unhealthy to begin with. For people in reasonably good health, dying from the flu is, in fact, very rare – research even shows the flu shot does not affect mortality of elderly people. In conclusion – the flu shot is dangerous and useless.

Flu shot does not save lives

The ads say “The flu shot saves lives,” but research reveals it’s not so.   The flu vaccine isn’t preventing death in the elderly, the “high risk group” that is told to get a flu shot to reduce mortality, according to a study in the Archives of Internal Medicine. (8)
Although immunization rates in those over 65 have increased 50% in the past 20 years, there has been no decline in flu-related deaths. In addition to ineffectiveness, the flu shot’s typical ingredients include aluminum (associated with Alzheimer’s and seizures), mercury (linked to brain damage, ADHD and autism) and phenol (a carcinogen).
In fact, mortality rates for those over 85 between 1968 and 2001 showed no change as well. The authors add: “Studies substantially overestimate vaccination benefit”; a diplomatic way of saying it’s useless.

If you get the flu avoid aspirin and Tylenol™

Researchers found that flu sufferers who took aspirin or acetaminophen (Tylenol) stayed sick an average of 3.5 days longer than people who did not take the drugs.
The researchers discuss the purpose of a fever and note how confused the medical profession is when it comes to fever. “In spite of centuries of clinical experience and recent intense investigation, it is still not clear whether fever is noxious per se, or if the benefits of antipyretic therapy outweigh its costs.” (9)
Natural healthcare providers have always understood the value of fever in fighting infection and cleansing the body of toxins. This was recently underlined in a paper showing the following: 

The flu protects against cancer
In a research study appearing in The Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, scientists discovered that those with a history of colds and flu also had less breast, colon, rectal, stomach and ovarian cancer. 
The association between…infectious diseases and cancer risk was investigated. [Those with] carcinomas of the stomach, colon, rectum, breast, and ovary…were interviewed. A history of common colds or gastro-enteric influenza prior to the interview was found to be associated with a decreased cancer risk. (10)
In another study, subjects who reported a history of colds, flu and other infectious diseases had a 30% reduction in risk of brain tumor. (11)
Natural healthcare providers have traditionally warned against suppressing the symptoms of colds and flu stressing that’s how your body heals, detoxifies and cleanses – which are protective against cancer.

Do you have a caterpillar egg deficiency?
The FluBlok flu shot has caterpillar ovaries as one of its ingredients. Don’t believe it? Go to Concord Monitor Online Article - Biotech firms developing egg-less flu vaccine - Your News Source - 03301 (12) 

Long-term consequences of flu shots – immune system damage?
Researchers have discovered that repeated vaccination at a young age substantially increases the risk of influenza at older ages. This is possibly due to overall weakening of the immune system. However, getting the infection naturally appears to strengthen the immune system and decreases the risk of being re-infected. Natural appears to be better. (13) Note: The authors did not even look for Alzheimer’s increases due to flu shots, a subject increasingly under discussion.

Good news – majority not getting flu shot. Common sense is still alive!
In a National Foundation for Infectious Diseases survey conducted Aug. 31-Sept. 3, over half of those interviewed said they would not get the flu shot. Among reasons cited: 43% said the flu is not serious enough to warrant vaccination and 23% said they still got the flu even after being immunized. (14)

In conclusion
Rather than see the flu, colds, fevers and nasal discharge solely as uncomfortable, we should know that they operate in our best interest: to heal us, to cleanse us and to detoxify us. Preventing symptoms from expressing themselves may set us up for more serious disease in the future. That doesn’t mean we should ignore a sick person. Illness is a time of rest and recuperation. Ill people need comfort, proper nutrition and support.
Many people who wish to avoid medical suppressive therapies such as aspirin, Tylenol, antihistamines, decongestants and other drugs designed to prevent symptoms instead turn to nutrition, chiropractic, homeopathy, naturopathy, acupuncture and many other natural “expressive” healthcare systems so their bodies will get the full benefit from their symptoms – cleansing, healing and improved health.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Flu Shots-Do They Really Help?

News reports have been flooding us with articles warning that the impending flu season may be the worst in years. Even though it is difficult to separate the facts from the hype, a close evaluation of the flu vaccine will reveal that serious questions must be raised about the recommendations that are routinely touted, namely high efficacy with little risk. Anyone considering a flu shot should become informed about the substances coming through that needle, and should be determined to investigate the safety and efficacy issues that are still unresolved.

The vaccine virus

Each year, a new vaccine is developed that contains three different viruses (one influenza B and two influenza A strains). CDC officials select the new viruses based on which viruses were prevalent during the flu season in China and Australia the previous year. The CDC admits that the viruses selected for the new vaccine are chosen on the basis of an "educated guess." [i]

What's in a flu shot?

The influenza virus is grown in "specific pathogen-free" (SPF) eggs. Eggs are tested for a variety of agents-usually between 23 and 31-to confirm the absence of those specific pathogens. Laboratories limit the number of agents that are screened due to the shear abundance of potential viruses and/or bacteria to choose from. In addition, screening for every potential agent would be cost prohibitive.[ii] If none of the tested agents are detected, the vaccine is reported as "pathogen free."
However, it should be understood that there is a distinct difference between "pathogen free" and "specific pathogen-free." In its July 1996 report, the Institute of Medicine acknowledged that "although it is not possible to produce a completely uncontaminated animal, it is possible to produce an animal [or egg] certified to be free of specific pathogens."[iii] Viruses that are harmless to their animal host, however, may be potentially harmful to humans.
During the manufacturing process, antibiotics (neomycin, polymyxin B and gentamicin) are added to eliminate stray bacteria found in the mixture. The final solution can contain the following additives in any combination: Triton X-100 (a detergent); polysorbate 80 (a potential carcinogen); gelatin; formaldehyde; and residual egg proteins. In addition, many of the influenza vaccines still contain thimerosal as a preservative. Thimerosal (mercury) is being investigated for its link to brain injury and autoimmune disease.

Does the flu shot protect?

There are no guarantees that the influenza viruses selected for the vaccine will be the identical strains circulating during a given flu season. In fact, it has recently been announced that this year's flu vaccine does not include the strain that is being reported by doctors in the community called the "A Fujian" strain. Outbreaks have been reported in Texas, Colorado and elsewhere[iv] that involve strains that do not match the current flu vaccine. CDC tests have confirmed that more than 80 per cent of the 55 strains of influenza virus isolated thus far are the A Fujian strain. Even so, the CDC still maintains that the current vaccine could provide cross-protection against the new variant, but the fact is, no one knows for sure.
Moreover, the majority of illnesses characterized by fever, fatigue, cough and aching muscles are not caused by the influenza virus. Non-influenza viruses (e.g., rhinoviruses respiratory syncytial virus [RSV], adenoviruses, and parainfluenza viruses) can cause symptoms referred to influenza-like illnesses (ILI). Certain bacteria, such as Legionella spp., Chlamydia pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and Streptococcus pneumoniae, have been documented as the causes of ILI.[v]
Notably, these microbes are not part of the flu vaccine. Unless an organism's antigen is contained within the vaccine, there is no protection conferred by the vaccine. It is estimated that most adults will average 1-3 episodes of ILI, and most children will average 3-6 episodes. The CDC also admits that "many persons who have been vaccinated against influenza can still get the flu"[vi]

Targeting the elderly

The flu vaccine is generally recommended for persons aged 65 and older, and those with medical conditions who could experience serious complications from the flu. Medical journals report broad differences in effectiveness for the elderly, ranging from 0 to 85%.
The CDC states that 90% of deaths from influenza occur among the elderly. Considering that nearly 65% of all deaths (from any cause) occur in this age group, it is nearly impossible to prove that flu shots significantly increase life expectancy in this group. The truth is that most people-young and old-will weather a bout of the flu without hospitalization or complications.

A serious concern: Alzheimer's Disesase

Hugh Fudenberg, MD, an immunogeneticist and biologist with nearly 850 papers published in peer review journals, has reported that if an individual had five consecutive flu shots between 1970 and 1980 (the years studied), his/her chances of getting Alzheimer's Disease is ten times higher than if they had zero, one, or two shots.[vii]
Dr. Boyd Haley, Professor and Chair of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Kentucky, Lexington has done extensive research in the area of mercury toxicity and the brain. Haley's research has established a likely connection between mercury toxicity and Alzheimer's disease. [viii] In a paper published in collaboration with researchers at University of Calgary, Haley stated that "seven of the characteristic markers that we look for to distinguish Alzheimer's disease can be produced in normal brain tissues, or cultures of neurons, by the addition of extremely low levels of mercury."[ix]
Does this prove that the mercury contained in the influenza shot can be directly linked to Alzheimer's? No, absolutely not. But further research in this area is critically needed because the absence of proof is not the "proof of absence."[x]

Flu vaccine now for children

The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) adopted a resolution effective March 1, 2003 that expanded the use of the influenza vaccine to include children aged 6-23 months. The recommendations also included vaccinating those aged 2 to 18 years who live in households containing children younger than 2 years of age.[xi]
The flu vaccine most commonly given to children is Fluzone>, a trivalent vaccine grown in chicken eggs. Harvested with formaldehyde and containing the recommended ratio of 15 ug of each of the three prototype viral strains, each dose of Fluzone> also contains 25 ug of mercury.[xii] The new CDC recommendations include giving the influenza vaccine to children beginning at six months of age and then annually, for the rest of their lives. Children less than age 9 receiving their first flu shot, two doses of vaccine are recommended, with a minimum interval of one month between the two doses. However, the CDC does not provide a direct reference to substantiate this recommendation.[xiii]
On June 17, 2003, the FDA approved an intranasal influenza vaccine for use in healthy persons aged 5-49 years. Flumist> is a live-virus vaccine that can cause a litany of problems. (for further information on FluMist)

If you choose not to receive the flu shot, have a discussion with your doctor regarding other options. However, some simple and possibly quite effective things you can do for yourself to prevent the flu include: 1) avoid white sugar;[xiv] 2) exercise regularly; 3) get adequate sleep; 4) eat a healthy diet, omitting trans-fats; 5) drink plenty of purified water daily and 6) wash your hands. A common way people contract viral illnesses is by rubbing their nose or their eyes after their hands have been contaminated with a virus. The CDC states, "the most important thing you can do to keep from getting sick is to wash your hands."[xv]
We are so used to taking medications-for prevention and treatment-that it is difficult to comprehend that these modest recommendations are really the most powerful ways to minimize the likelihood of getting the flu.
Making the decision

You may decide to consult a physician who is schooled in alternative medicine to assess a variety of options for you and your family. What is most important, in the end, is to become as informed as possible regarding your options for keeping healthy and avoiding the flu.


[i] Sabin, Russel and Reynolds. Breakdowns Mar Flu Shot Program Production, distribution delays raise fears of nation vulnerable to epidemic. San Francisco Chronicle. Feb. 25, 2001
[ii] Charles River Laboratories, A Laboratory Animal Health Monitoring Program: Rationale and Development,' (Winter 1990); Source: Internet address
[iii] Institute of Medicine Press Release: Federal Guidelines Needed to Ensure Safety in Animal-to-Human Organ Transplants. July 17, 1996.
[iv]CBS: The Associated Press. CDC Says Flu Season Is Going Strong in Parts of U.S., Vaccine Doesn't Match Strain Doctors See.
[v] MMWR. November 9, 2001 / 50(44);984-6
 [vi] MMWR Nov. 9, 2001/50(44); 984-6
[vii] Hugh Fudenberg, MD, is Founder and Director of Research, Neurolmmuno Therapeutic Research Foundation. Information from Dr. Hugh Fudenberg came from transcribed notes of Dr. Fudenberg's speech at the NVIC International Vaccine Conference, Arlington, VA September, 1997. Quoted with permission.
[viii] The Relationship of Toxic Effects of Mercury to Exacerbation of the Medical Condition Classified as Alzheimer's Disease by Boyd E. Haley, PhD.
[ix] NeuroReport, 12(4):733-737, 2001
[xi] MMWR. 2002;51[RR-3]:1-31
[xii] Package insert. Influenza Virus VaccineFluzone® 2003 - 2004 Formula
[xiii] MMWR. 2002: 51 [RR-3], pg. 19
 [xiv] All forms of refined sugar depress white blood cells' ability to destroy bacteria. See Sanchez A, et al. Role of sugars in human neutrophilic phagocytosis. Am J Clin Nutr 1973;26:1180.
[xv]CDC-Handwashing: An ounce of prevention keeps the germs away.