Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Ear Infections

Ear infections are an epidemic in our society. 90% of children will experience ear infections before they are school age.  Most children experience two to three episodes per year.  There is an estimated 10 million new cases per year.  Despite extensive medical intervention, children’s ear infection rates continue to soar.  An estimated $3.4 billion is spent every year for medications and surgeries. A study published in Canadian Family Physician stated that 97.7% of American children diagnosed with ear infections were given antibiotics but there was only a “definite need for antibiotics in only 5-10% of those cases!”

Rate of ear infections is soaring and medical science has failed to find an answer.  The reason why they have failed is because the cause of ear infections is not micro-organisms.  The real cause is an abnormally lowered immune response in the inner ear.

There is a solution to the problem.  The real solution lies in locating the cause of the lowered immune response in the ear.  A leading German authority, Dr. Gutmann, found 800 of 1000 (80%) infants checked during the first month of life had Blocked Atlantal Nerve Syndrome directly related to birth trauma. Blocked Atlantal Nerve Syndrome interferes with the nerve impulses in the upper neck area, lowers immune resistance and leave the child vulnerable to ear, nose and throat infections.
The cause of Blocked Atlantal Nerve Syndrome is the modern day birth process.  The stress that is placed on the infant’s neck during the normal birthing process causes trauma to the upper cervical spine.

How do you fix Blocked Atlantal Nerve Syndrome?  Only a trained Wellness Chiropractor is qualified to remove the interference with a specific wellness adjustment to the Atlantal Nerve.  A chiropractic evaluation is of “decisive importance” and Chiropractic care can often bring about amazingly successful results.

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